Credentials for home-schooling?

There’s a lively debate festering on Stephen Frank’s site concerning the new home-school credential requirement. It’s amusing to see Chiara and Richard arguing about education while both misspelling in their posts.

I am an educator in both a public high school and a private Christian university. Some of my credential students are earning credentials in order to be better equipped to home-school their own children or those of family members. I would point out that I started having students with this objective before the state began talking about adding this requirement.

I have had several students in my high school classes who have returned to public school after being home-schooled for a time. While there are some great examples of home-schooled children achieving amazing success, many others return way behind and do not know how to learn. Their parents are not trained educators and simply do not know how to teach. The children suffer.

I support the right to home school our children and I see many reasons to do so, but if we want our children to be well equipped for college (or life), why wouldn’t we want to be better equipped ourselves to provide them with a complete and adequate education? Contrary to what many people seem to believe, teaching is not so easy that anyone can do it well. However, it is a skill that can be learned and a teaching credential program is the best way to develop that skill.

There are many problems within our public education system and particularly in California. Home-schooling (as well as private facilities) must continue to be available as an option to avoid the liberal bias and anti-Christian values (or lack of values in general) forced upon us in public schools. Additionally, the traditional classroom is not always the best place for every student to learn. However, we must ensure that home-schooled children are educated properly and completely.

Truth be told, having children poorly educated by untrained parents is paramount to child-abuse. Parents have the right to educate their children, but children have the right to be properly educated. A credential program does not tell the potential teacher what to teach, it teaches them how to teach. The new requirement will ensure that any parent wishing to home-school their children will be trained in the pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning.


About Kirk

My background is in education, specifically math. I have also spent over 10 years as a coach and been fortunate to be part of one of the premier softball programs in the country. Over the years I have developed a passion for logic and truth. Finally, I decided to write about it.
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3 Responses to Credentials for home-schooling?

  1. Kevin says:

    Although valid points I must also support those who have decided to home school their students on the fact that the school system that we have now stinks. With the exception of yourself Kirk I have no comfort of many other teachers within the “system”.
    To say that it is NOT constitutional for parents to home school their children is outrageous.
    At the other end of the spectrum I simply hate the fact that the people of this country allow for our government to make decisions on their behalf.
    Not bashing you Kirk.. In fact, I love ya, I just can’t see this as being a “good” thing at all.

    To reply to your comment that you can be taught to teach I have to disagree with. You have to have the GIFT to teach. You simply can’t be taught that. You can be taught to hone that gift, that I can agree with.

  2. Kirk says:

    I appreciate Kevin’s comments and sentiment. One correction, however, the requirement does not make it “ not constitutional to home school” (I agree, that would be outrageous), it attempts to ensure that parents who home school are best prepared to do so. Again, not mandating curriculum, but giving parents tools and teaching techniques. Thanks for the love, bro.

  3. Hannahts says:

    thats for sure, brother

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