Keeping busy and running

It was great to be back on the trail today. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to run distance with others. Not that I was really able to keep up today, but I was close enough that people didn’t have to wait for me. My son going along was a bonus. He ran up near the front with the speedsters and I dragged along in the back of the pack. But I got 9 hard miles done. Next week is 10.

Running along the lake, and cooling off in it afterwards, is one of my favorite places to be. If I can, I like to start early enough to avoid some of the heat and most of the crowds that come later in the day. Since I tend to be a little slower than my companions, I drift to the back and end up running alone most of the time. I still get to catch up occasionally and chat some with my friends, but this is my time to reflect and refresh.

Most of my reflection lately comes in the form of being grateful that I am able to do this, balanced with some frustration that I am in such poor shape that I am slow and hoping that people don’t have to wait too long for me. Mostly, though, I get to listen to music and enjoy the surrounding views. Putting one foot in front of the other. Moving forward, even at a slow pace, is still progress toward the goal. I am roughly 25% through my training for the St. George Marathon in October. I am keeping up with my schedule and staying motivated by recognizing little successes along the way.

When I’m not running, I’m working with my friend, John, on construction and remodel jobs. In the last two weeks we have helped another friend build a pergola for an outdoor kitchen and we have created a bathroom where there previously was not one. It’s surprisingly rewarding to see something completed that didn’t exist just a few days before. I’m also learning and developing new skills. Some of the detail work that I am doing now is well beyond what I thought my skill level to be, but with training and practice, I am able to do much more than I could before.

Truth be told, this is exactly what we need to be doing to find our way through the changes we are all faced with right now. Keep busy. Set goals and work towards them. Recognize small successes along the way. Learn new skills and/or improve upon those we already have. Be grateful for what we can do. Persevere.

About Kirk

My background is in education, specifically math. I have also spent over 10 years as a coach and been fortunate to be part of one of the premier softball programs in the country. Over the years I have developed a passion for logic and truth. Finally, I decided to write about it.
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