Primary Decisions

With the primary fast approaching, I have finally decided who to support. I have listened to the ads and to the candidate’s rhetoric and I have come to the conclusion that the best choice for California is Meg Whitman. Poizners ads are far from truthful and he has chosen several out of context sound bites in an effort to portray Whitman as something other than she is. Our economy is a mess and Whitman knows how to run a successful company (eBay seems to be doing OK). I have also chosen to support her “team,” those with whom she would like to work. So here it is:

Governor: Meg Whitman

Lt. Governor: Abel Maldonado

Atty. General: John Eastman

Insurance Comm.: Mike Villines

Controller: Tony Strickland

Sec. of State: Damon Dunn

US Senator: Carly Fiorina

US Rep: Dan Lungren (dist 3)

Assembly: Jack Sieglock (dist 10)

County Central Committee: Tony Andrade (dist 5)

Board of Equalization: George Runner (dist 2)

I’d also like to put in a plug for Jim Cooper as sheriff. I know Jim, but I know his daughter well from coaching Sheldon softball. Here is what I know about good kids… they come from good parents and Jim’s daughter is a good kid. I can’t give a higher recommendation than that.

Truth be told, I think we should elect only candidates who are not currently in office and that is how I am voting, with very few exceptions. Fire em all! Let’s start over.

About Kirk

My background is in education, specifically math. I have also spent over 10 years as a coach and been fortunate to be part of one of the premier softball programs in the country. Over the years I have developed a passion for logic and truth. Finally, I decided to write about it.
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2 Responses to Primary Decisions

  1. Kirk says:

    I also want to add my 2 cents on the propositions. I support 13 and 17; I think they will save us money. The rest are all a “no” in my book. I am strongly opposed to general primaries (14) and repealing the ban on public funds for elections (15). I don’t think imposing a 2/3 majority vote for public utilities (16) help anyone except those who would lose in a simple majority vote. If the majorities votes for something, it should pass.

  2. Kirk says:

    comment from a reader via facebook:

    “I’m torn on governor…no good choice. And Meg Whitman is FAR from bring pro family…I think I am going to abstain for voting for governor…I can’t vote for any of them in good conscience.”

    I understand that. She is not left as Poizner tries to paint her, but not as right as I wish she were on social issues. I have abstained from voting before for such reasons and, as much as I honor our right and responsibility to vote, sometimes exercising our right to NOT vote is just as important.

    Thanks cc

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